
Supplier’s identification according to § 6 of the German Teledienstgesetz (Teleservices Act) for SOCIUS PRIMUS GmbH

Registered office: Pinneberg

Socius Primus GmbH
Pestalozzistrasse 73c
25421 Pinneberg

Phone +49.4101.5388618
Fax +49.4101.5389555

Entry in the register of commerce (Handelsregister): Local Court / Amtsgericht Pinneberg HRB 9117 PI
Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz (Value Added Tax Act): DE 814 410 392
Responsible for the content according to § 6 MDStV: Friedrich Wilhelm Bollinger,
General Manager


1. Content of the online offer: The author does not give warranty for topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author referring to damages of any material or ideal kind, caused by the use or non-use of the provided information or respectively by using defective or incomplete information, are principally excluded, inasmuch as there is no given prove of deliberate fault or grossly negligence done by the author. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author reserves specifically the right to change part of the pages or the complete offer, to add, to delete or to cease the publication temporally or definitely without any separate announcement.

2. References and Links: Relating direct or indirect references to external internet pages (links) being beyond the author’s responsibility, the liability obligation would only apply if the author had known the contents and it had been possible and reasonable for him in technical terms to impede the use the illegal content. Therefore, the author declares explicitly that at the time the links had been set the respective linked pages were free of illegal contents.
The author has no influence at all to the current and future presentation and to the contents of the linked pages. Therefore, he dissociates himself explicitly from the contents of all linked / attached pages that have been changed after the linking. This statement applies for all links and references set within his own internet presence as well as for entries of outsiders in the guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the author. Responsible and liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages caused by the use or non-use of such offered information is exclusively the supplier of the page the reference was given to, and not the person who only gave the reference to the respective publication via links.

3. Copyright and concession The author aims to observe in all publications the copyrights of the applied graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts, and to use the graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts created by himself, or to revert to license-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts. All mentioned and as the case may be protected by a third party brand and trade marks underlie the unrestrictive terms of the respective valid concession and title of the respective registered proprietor. There is no reason to conclude that trade marks are not protected by the title of a third party by pure naming them! The copyright of published objects created by the author himself remains exclusively with the author of the pages. Copying or using such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit author’s consent.

4. Privacy Individual-related data as name, address, telephone number or e-mail that we collect and manage in our web-activities in all countries where we support web-sites is done in accordance with the national laws for data privacy and data security. You determine whether you give us you personal data or not, for example within an enquiry or the like. In general, your personal data will be sent only by e-mail to the provided e-mail address and will not be saved. Your personal data will be used by us only to answer your enquiry, to deal with your order or to give you special information or offers. Furthermore, for the maintenance of the customer service it might be necessary for us: - to save, process your personal data – to use these data to inform you about our offers (we or a third person acting on our instructions). You can always apply for your data to be changed, deleted or blocked by e-mail. User profiles with or without reference to personal data will not be created. Naturally, we accept your denial to leave with us your personal data for the maintenance of our customer service. We will not sell your personal data to a third party or marked it otherwise. If you have access to our web-sites, information for our web-statistics will be gathered automatically which are not allocated to a certain person (e.g. IP-address, internet-browser and operating system; domain-name of the web-site where you came from; numbers of your visiting, average dwell-period, accessed pages). An analysis of the data will be done only in an anonymous form. Neither cookies or nor active contents will be used. We take these information only to calculate the attractiveness of our web-sites and to improve their contents. Measures will be taken to guarantee the security of your personal data. Your data will be protected conscientiously against loss, damage, falsification, manipulation and the unauthorised access or unauthorised publication. Our web-sites contain links to other web-sites. We are not responsible for the privacy strategies or the contents of these other web-sites.

5. Legal effect of this Nonliability This Nonliability is regarded as part of the online presence from where the reference was given to this page. In case that parts or single phrases of this text do not apply to the valid legal status, do not apply any more, total or subtotal, the other parts of the document will not be effected in their content and validity